Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hussein Chalayan was born in Nicosia in 1970 and graduated from the Turkish Maarif College of his hometown. He moved with his family to England in 1978,obtaining British citizenship. He first studied for a National Diploma in fashion and clothing at Warwickshire School of Arts, and proceeded to study Fashion Design. His graduate collection in 1993, titled "The Tangent Flows", contained clothes which he had buried in his back yard and dug up again.An instant sensation, the whole collection was purchased and displayed in luxury designer store Browns, London. As we talked about his in class this skirt is very interesting. It is a table and then turns into  a table.. (Wikapedia)

I went to farmlab however my pictures are being dumb and will not upload so i found a few kind of like the ones i took.. I thought this place was really pointless. When i went I went on a friday like we were told over spring break and I gotlost and rove past it about 3 times.. It was hard for me to find parking and no one there wanted to help me.. I went in and it looked kind of bland to me not exatcly what i had expected. I asked the peole there to help me but most of them were all at lunch.. So I walked around by myself and I didnt stay ling because it just wasnt interesting to me as the other ones were. I liked how the cars had the plants on it..That was real cool.. I also like all the isgns there.. Ienjoyed reading those the most. So all in all I didnt liek this farmlab thing and i think it is totally pointless.. There is no longer public speaker to tell us things nor free food and there was seriously no one in there.. It was just me and like two other people. Like i said i didnt stay long or even look at the whole thing because the people working there were so rude. They wouldnt even take my picture for me.. I could not believe it.. So I wish i could upload my pics from what i took but im going to keep trying.

Yoko Ono

Ono was an explorer of Conceptual  and PErformance art.. An example of her performance art is "Cut Piece" (this instance of performance art is also known as a "happening"), first performed in 1964 at the Sogetsu Art Center in Tokyo. Cut Piece had one destructive verb as its instruction: "Cut." Ono executed the performance in Tokyo by walking on stage and casually kneeling on the floor in a draped garment. Audience members were requested to come on stage and begin cutting until she was naked. Cut Piece was one of Ono’s many opportunities to outwardly communicate her internal suffering through her art. Ono had originally been exposed to Jean- Pauls theories of existentialism in college, and in order to appease her own human suffering, Ono enlisted her viewers to complete her works of art in order to complete her identity as well. Besides a commentary on identity, Cut Piece was a commentary on the need for social unity and love. It was also a piece that touched on issues of gender and sexism as well as the greater, universal affliction of human suffering and loneliness. Ono performed this piece again in London and other venues, garnering drastically different attention depending on the audience. In Japan, the audience was shy and cautious. In London, the audience participators became zealous to get a piece of her clothing and became violent to the point where she had to be protected by security. An example of her conceptual art includes her book of instructions called Grapefruit.  This book, first produced in 1964, includes surreal, Zen-like instructions that are to be completed in the mind of the reader, for example:" Hide and Seek Piece: Hide until everybody goes home. Hide until everybody forgets about you. Hide until everybody dies." ( wikedpidia)

Jamie Isenstein

Here is an interview with Jamie Isentein.


Xavier Cha

He does Body Drama art..


In class we talkled about this guy..I found him extremely wierd and I cant figure out why he does these kinds of projests.. He gets needles stuck into him he had an ear made and put into his arm.. He has hung from hooks.. This guy does someof the wierdest stuff. I feel he may be not all there or just enjoys the pain for pleassure. Its interesting to me nad yet at the same time repulssive.

Vanessa Beecroft

Vanessa Beecroft

Born:   1969, Genoa, Italy
Resides:  Los Angeles, CA
Education: 1983-1987  Civico Liceo Artistico Nicolo' Barabino
    (Architettura), Genoa, Italy
      1987-1988 Accademia Ligustica Di Belle Arti
    (Pittura), Genoa, Italy
      1988-1993 Accademia Di Belle Arti Di Brera
    (Scenografia), Milan, Italy

Solo Exhibitions & Performances
Carrara, Italy, VB67, Studio Nicoli. Sept 4th
Naples, Italy, VB66, Mercato Ittico. Feb 15th

Marina Abramovic

From March 14 to May 31, 2010, the Museum of Modern Art held a major retrospective and performance recreation of Abramović's work, the biggest exhibition of performance art in MoMA's history.During the run of the exhibition, Abramović performed "The Artist is Present," a 736-hour and 30-minute static, silent piece, in which she sat immobile in the museum's atrium, while spectators were invited to take turns sitting opposite her. A support group for the "sitters," "Sitting with Marina," was established on facebook.The performance attracted James Franco which plays in Genral Hospital and received coverage on the internet including an essay by NYC-author. - Wikapedia
The Velaslavasay Panorama, a nonprofit dedicated to the preservation of pre-cinematic popular culture, added a new exhibit to its West Adams gallery-slash-theater last week. "The Grand Moving Mirror of California is a 'moving panorama' modeled on the painted tours shown to prospective California-bound Easterners during the Gold Rush, and based on one script in particular from 1853 that was recently unearthed in Maine.
The two panoramas are part of The Velaslavasay's mission to bring interesting and odd cinematic and theatrical culture back to life. The space hosts events, lectures and shows along with their regular exhibits.

David Hildebrand Wilson

"David Hildebrand Wilson is the co-founder of the Museum of Jessasic Technology along with his wife, Diana Wilson. He was awarded  in 2001. He received an MFA in Experimental Animation from the California institute of the Arts in 1976. He and his museum are the subject of the book, Mr. Wilsons Cabniets of Wonder. Over the years, the Museum has expanded both in terms of its exhibitions as well as other public offerings. In 2005, the Museum opened its Tula Tea Room, a Russian-style tea room where Georgian tea, cookies, and crackers are served to patrons. This room is a miniature reconstruction of the study of Tsar Nicolas II from the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia." (wikapedia)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Joseph Beuys

He was born in Kerfeld. AS he grew up he became into aircraft and was in the military in aircraft radio operator in 1941. This is the time when he noticed he really wanted to be an artist. But in 1942 he became a member of comabt bombing units. He was a dive bomber and his paintings from that era are kept preserved to show his artist style then. When he got resued back to health this is what he had to say. Felt Metaphors
 “Had it not been for the Tartars I would not be alive today. They were the nomads of the Crimea, in what was then no man’s land between the Russian and German fronts, and favoured neither side. I had already struck up a good relationship with them, and often wandered off to sit with them. ‘Du nix njemcky’ they would say, ‘du Tartar,’ and try to persuade me to join their clan. Their nomadic ways attracted me of course, although by that time their movements had been restricted. Yet it was they who discovered me in the snow after the crash, when the German search parties had given up. I was still unconscious then and only came round completely after twelve days or so, and by then I was back in a German field hospital. So the memories I have of that time are images that penetrated my consciousness. The last thing I remember was that it was too late to jump, too late for the parachutes to open. That must have been a couple of seconds before hitting the ground. Luckily I was not strapped in – I always preferred free movement to safety belts… My friend was strapped in and he was atomized on impact – there was almost nothing to be found of him afterwards. But I must have shot through the windscreen as it flew back at the same speed as the plane hit the ground and that saved me, though I had bad skull and jaw injuries. Then the tail flipped over and I was completely buried in the snow. That’s how the Tartars found me days later. I remember voices saying ‘Voda’ (Water), then the felt of their tents, and the dense pungent smell of cheese, fat and milk. They covered my body in fat to help it regenerate warmth, and wrapped it in felt as an insulator to keep warmth in.”
I like
After a while he was convinced by a fellow artist to be a full time artist. He joined the Kleve Artists Association that had been established by Brüx and Lamers. He graduated at 32 years old with a masters. He beagan by doing gravestones and several pieces of furniture. Thenhe went on to teaching philosophy. advocated taking art outside of the boundaries of the (art) system and to open it up to multiple possibilities bringing creativity into all areas of life. His nontraditional and anti-establishment pedagogical practice and philosophy made him the focus of much controversy and in order to battle the policy of “restricted entry” under which only a few  to his belief those who have something to teach and those who have something to learn should come together.

“I don’t use shamanism to refer to death, but vice versa – through shamanism, I refer to the fatal character of the times we live in. But at the same time I also point out that the fatal character of the present can be overcome in the future.”

HE then dies in January23, 1986.
Beuys' extensive body of work principally comprises four domains: works of art in a traditional sense (painting, drawing, sculpture and installations), performance, contributions to the theory of art and academic teaching, and social- and political activities.

File:Beuys-Piano.jpgHomogeneous Infiltration for Piano, at the Pompidou Paris.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Donatella Versace

She is an Italian fashion designer. She is the vice president of the company which is  her brothers company. She owns 20 percent of the business. Her daughter inherited 50 percentof thebusiness after her brother died. Her brother actually got shot on my 7th birthday which is july 15th 1997. HEr daughter inherited 700 million dollars of the company and different homes. Her clothes were the first noticable on the catwalk.
She also has plans to build a hotel/ resort in the arbian states. It will be a luxiourious resort/ spa. She is very very successful and loves ehr career. Shes famous and evryone wants to wear soemthing of hers. If it is from dresses to cungasses to jewlery. Everyone wants something Versace.

Isamu Noguchi

She was born in LA, her father was a Japenese poet. He has traveled back and forth from Japan to the US for years. He is considered a Japanese artist. He also studied in Paris. He wanted to learn a better understanding of the human figure. He then started to do Sculting and was an assistant for an artist. HE then moved to New York. HE then decided to try and sell his art work. HIs sculpting and brush paintings. He then has exhibitions and his work does not sell very much. But in his later years he became more and more successful. Large image

James Turrell

He bagan his carrer in California in the 1960s. He started expierimenting with land and light. His work is in exhibitions around the world. He currently livesin Arizona. He recieved a pilot license at the age of 16 where he would deliver supplies to mine sites. This is where he began photographing. He recieved a degree in psychology and studied many many other things their as well. HE is best known for his work called Roden Crater, which is a volcanic rater and he is turning into an observetory. He is doing this for the viewing of Celestial Phenomena.  James Turrell, Roden Crater original site plan 1, 1974

James Turrell, Roden Crater aerial 1, 1974

HE has other works of art everywhere one of them is a white room with a blank canvas,  but in reality it is a hole in the wall not a canvas and it is to make you think it is a canvas but its not. It is at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

Maurizio Cattelan


He is a Contemporary Italian artist. His work is vey interesting.. It is of things i wouldnt think of.. His work really makes a point and i Loved to look at his art online. He is known for his sculptures. HE started by making wooden furniture. He has work in exhibits and it is also published in New York.

Here is his art history.
Cattelan has shown work internationally in many exhibitions including in Manifesta 2, 1998, Luxembourg, Melbourne International Biennial 1999 "Signs of live", 2004 Whitney Biennal [1] in New York, “Apocalypse: Beauty and Horror in Contemporary Art” at the Royal Academy of Art [2] in London, “Partners” at Haus der Kunst [3] in Munich, “Home is Where the Heart Is” at Museum van Loon [4] in Amsterdam and the 2004 Seville International Biennale [5]. In 2004 Cattelan exhibited the controversial sculpture Untitled featuring 3 hanging kids for the Nicola Trussardi Foundation. He is represented by Emmanuel Perrotin [6] in Paris, Massimo de Carlo [7] in Milan and Marian Goodman Gallery in New York [8].

Ana Mendieta

"I offer these details as a way of condensing information and, more importantly, as a way of breaking art criticism's usual frame of objectivity. Too often, critics conceal their friendships and interrelationships with the artists they are writing about, and the reader is left thinking critics are divorced from social life. Transparency is the best policy. The fact is that I have had thousands of students, but Mendieta stands out. She took the new forms she was exposed to at the University of Iowa and made them her own." Ana Mendieta

She was moved from cuba at the age of 13. Her and her sister were put into several foster cares. She got her BA from theUniversity of Iowa. She also earned an MA in painting. Throughout the course of her career, she created work in Cuba, Mexico, Italy, and the United States of America

Marina Abramovic

Her art started with early interventions and sound pieces, video works, installations, photographs, solo performances.Abramović’s work will be included in The Joan and Preston Robert Tisch Gallery on the sixth floor of the Museum, revealing different modes of representing, documenting, and exhibiting her ephemeral, time-based, and media-based works. The exhibition is accompanied by an illustrated catalogue that includes an audio recording of the artist’s voice guiding the reader through the publication.

She is a performance artists. She is a very good one and trys to make a point within her performances. She does them in galleries and also does them for other artists like shell do an opening for another artist or shell have other artists at her exhibitions as well. Works in the exhibition are reperformed by: Maria José Arjona, Brittany Bailey, John Bonafede, Lydia Brawner, Rachel Brennecke (aka Bon Jane), Rebecca Brooks, Isabella Bruno, Alfredo Ferran Calle, Hsiao Chen, Rebecca Davis, Angela Freiberger, Kennis Hawkins, Michael Helland, Igor Josifov, Elana Katz, Cynthia Koppe, Heather Kravas, Gary Lai, Abigail Levine, Jacqueline Lounsbury, Isabelle Lumpkin, Elke Luyten, Alexander Lyle, Justine Lynch, Tom McCauley, Nick Morgan, Andrew Ondrejcak, Juri Onuki, Tony Orrico, Will Rawls, Matthew Rogers, George Emilio Sanchez, Ama Saru, Jill Sigman, Maria S. H. M., David Thomson, Layard Thompson, Amelia Uzategui Bonilla, Deborah Wing-Sproul, Yozmit, and Jeramy Zimmerman.

Allan Kaprow 1927-2006

He created something called the happenings which involove participants and an activities. These projects were called anti art. They  were there to see if one can see the abstract meaning in the art. In the late 1970s his art work began to go into museuma and shows. He also has wall size action paintings. “I am convinced that painting is a bore. So is music and literature. What doesn’t bore me is the total destruction of ideas that have any discipline. Instead of painting, move your arms; instead of music, make noise. I’m giving up painting and all the arts by doing everything and anything.” He just wanted to have artists break down barrior to figure out the line between art and non art.

Lauren Bon

See full size image

Lauren Bon is an artist that is currently doing a project called farmlab in LA county. It is a garden in the middle of LA. It is between the building and it is beautiful. She has a Masters of Architecture degree from MIT and a BA from Princeton. She is the president of NOT A CORN FIELD. She has more land projects in U.S., Hong Kong, Belfast and Northern Ireland, as well as her role as a trustee, make her uniquely poised to build the capacity of the Foundation in the area of site based philanthropy, serving communities through education, civic, health, artistic initiatives and programs.

Here is a list of her solo exhibitions.
Solo Exhibitions
Not A Cornfield – 32-acre living sculpture on plot of land between Chinatown and Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles
Santa Monica Museum of Art, “Project Room: Hand Held Objects”
Robert Berman Gallery, LA, CA, “Invisible and Free: Conjuring Worlds in the Mind’s Eye”
Miller Block Gallery, Boston, MA, “Invisible and Free, Conjuring Worlds in the Mind’s Eye”
Museum of Modern Art, Belfast, “Releasing Fear Project”
Hereford Salon, Notting Hill, London
Sculpture, Hereford Salon, Noting Hill, London
Freud Museum, London, "From a Distance"
Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art, London "Built on Silence"
Maidestone Library Gallery, Maidestone, Kent, "The Presence of Absence"
Hereford Salon, London "Studies From My Pregnancy
American Repertory Theatre, Cambridge, MA. "Beckett Pieces"
Hereford Salon, London, "Totems"
Forest School, Winnersh, Berkshire, "Artist in Residency Exhibition"